ADAM Quartet at Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI)

Dublin, Ireland

29 September 15:00

Margot Kolodziej, violin
Julia Kleinsmann, violin
Minna Svedberg, viola
Renée Timmer, cello

“What’s the word?”
A musical exploration where the ADAM Quartet embarks on a journey combining poetry and music.
Through the music of Barry Guy and Franz Joseph Haydn and the poems of Samuel Beckett and the writings that inspired Haydn’s work, the ADAM Quartet seeks to embody verbal and non-verbal experiences through music. Barry Guy’s quartet ‘What’s the Word’ is based on Samuel Beckett’s poem of a similar title. It was the last poem written by Beckett before his death in 1989 and is a repetitive search for something unnamable, constantly returning to the notion of madness. Is madness the constant search, the loss of words, or is it the beautiful state of pure humanity searching for something that cannot be found? The concert will conclude with Haydn’s quartet ‘The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross’, based on scriptures describing Jesus’ last moments.

Barry Guy - What’s the word

Joseph Haydn – The seven last words of Christ Hob.XX:2

1. Introduzione in D minor – Maestoso ed Adagio
2. Sonata I (“Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid faciunt”) in B-flat major – Largo
3. Sonata II (“Hodie mecum eris in paradiso” in C minor, ending in C major – Grave e cantabile
4. Sonata III (“Mulier, ecce filius tuus”) in E major – Grave
5. Sonata IV (“Deus meus, Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me”) in F minor – Largo
6. Sonata V (“Sitio”) in A major – Adagio
7. Sonata VI (“Consummatum est”) in G minor, ending in G major – Lento
8. Sonata VII (“In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum”) in E-flat major – Largo
9. Il terremoto (Earthquake) in C minor – Presto e con tutta la forza

Concert open to the public
Single ticket 10€ | Reduced 5€

Event Info

Date & Time

29 September (Sunday)


MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland, UCD Naughton Joyce Centre, Saint Stephen's Green, Saint Kevin's, Dublin, Ireland


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