<p>In this concert, the ADAM Quartet explores the combination of music and poetry. Through music by Barry Guy and Franz Joseph Haydn and poetry by Samuel Beckett and the scripture that inspired Haydn’s work, the ADAM Quartet attempts to embody verbal and non verbal experiences through music.</p> <p>Barry Guy’s quartet “What’s the word” is based on the similarly titled poem by Samuel Beckett. It was the last poem he wrote before his death in 1989, and it is a repetitive search for something unnamable, constantly returning back to the notion of folly. Is folly the continued search, the loss of words or is it the beautiful state of pure humanity that is searching for something that cannot be found?</p> <p>The concert will end with Haydn’s quartet “The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross”, based on the scriptures that describe Jesus’ final moments. A timeless piece, originally composed for orchestra, this Quartet “speaks” the text with music and has moved its audience for centuries.</p> <p><strong>MUSIC PROGRAM</strong></p> <p>Barry Guy – What’s the word</p> <p>Joseph Haydn – The seven last words of Christ Hob.XX:2</p> <p>1. Introduzione in D minor – Maestoso ed Adagio<br /> 2. Sonata I (“Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid faciunt”) in B-flat major – Largo<br /> 3. Sonata II (“Hodie mecum eris in paradiso” in C minor, ending in C major – Grave e cantabile<br /> 4. Sonata III (“Mulier, ecce filius tuus”) in E major – Grave<br /> 5. Sonata IV (“Deus meus, Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me”) in F minor – Largo<br /> 6. Sonata V (“Sitio”) in A major – Adagio<br /> 7. Sonata VI (“Consummatum est”) in G minor, ending in G major – Lento<br /> 8. Sonata VII (“In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum”) in E-flat major – Largo<br /> 9. Il terremoto (Earthquake) in C minor – Presto e con tutta la forza</p>